Do you think every American should visit Washington, DC, at some point in his or her life? Why? Support your opinion

Every American should go to Washington D.C. at least once in their life because I think that reading history books about the United States is not enough. Americans must go there to learn and understand more about their government, their rights as citizens and why their country is what it is today. I had not known much about America until I went to D.C. for the first time.

In Washington D.C. there are memorials for some of the most important people in the history of the United States. The Washington Monument honors the legacy of the first President George Washington. The Lincoln Memorial displays Abraham Lincoln’s famous speeches, the Gettysburg Address and his second Inaugural Address. The Franklin D.

Roosevelt Memorial contains galleries that display Roosevelt’s legacy as President. America’s third President and founding father, Thomas Jefferson, has a memorial, as well. The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts is a living memorial that honors Kennedy’s love for the arts. A memorial for civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. honors Dr. King’s legacy.  It has his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. The nation’s capital is also the place where anyone can learn more about important events in America’s history.

The National Archives Building holds the original copies of the United States’ major documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation. There are memorials for the troops who fought in major wars: The National World War II Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial and the African American Civil War Memorial. There are museums that display other events and significant figures of American history.  People can go to the National Museum of American History, the National Museum of American Indians and the National Air and Space Museum.

Washington D.C. is where anyone can watch today’s political activities take place.  The United States Capitol is the headquarters for today’s members of the United States Congress.  People can take an outside look at the White House, which is the home of the current American President. Also, people can witness live action between Justices at the U.S. Supreme Court building. Therefore, in order to be more familiarized with the history of their homeland, every American has to visit Washington DC once in his life.

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